Oct 16, 2020
Abstract and Deep Sense arts…. big name huh! but the content’s even more bigger. Teens these days are so productive that I wonder am barren. To be honest, I don’t know how they manage to do such a good job every single time. Head down to these paintings and you will see it for yourself. These are some abstract and deep sense arts by Shreya.
SHREYA JOE Grade 12 Loyola Junior College, Pashan, Pune
This painting here falls into sensational category, it says everything about Friendship, if I had to describe it; In this colorful world lies happiness and love, if there wasn’t a thing called a friend, then that would be straight boring life. The love between a friend is forever. The infinity symbol shows it all. If this doesn’t make you happy then I don’t know what will.
This here is an abstract art, the painting itself says it’s name. I love this type of art, simply because its colorful, unexplainable and just abstract…
There are some more of em’ down the page. Describing them all would be a very tough job.
Good work, young lady!
Keep drawing, keep improving, keep growing!
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