Firstly, let’s identify every Quality that a Student would normally seek in a foreign country before it can become his/her first choice for international higher education. Basics first, right?
Here they go, in the no-compromise to the slightly-negotiable order:
- World-class Education that awards Globally-recognized Qualifications / Certifications.
- Wide Choice of educational programs, institutions, with sufficient permutations & combinations.
- Language. The Student must find it not very difficult to converse with the local society and his/her classmates from other countries. Sign language can be tough, right?!
- Affordability. The whole program ought not cost the Student a fortune.
- Safety. The foreign country must make the Student feel safe. Physically safe. Emotionally safe.
- Respect & Equality. There must not be any discrimination based on the Student’s race, religion, color of skin, or his/her pot belly.
- Friendly Government & Society.
- Job Opportunities. Students must be able to take up part-time jobs during their academic years. They must find good placement opportunities once they finish their courses.
- Decent Scholarships. That can take some financial load off the Student’s parents or sponsors.
- Good Climate. Healthy ecosystem.
- Low or medium cost of living.
- Good Healthcare.
- Freedom. To do every legitimate activity with no fear whatsoever.
- Technologically advanced. Highly reliable communication facilities. Mom and Dad back home are not to be missed!
- Immigration Possibilities. If the country gives preference to international students who wish to emigrate there, better.
- Lively campus life. The more outgoing, happening, enthusiastic, vibrant and multicultural the campus, the better.
- Easy Student Visa process & formalities.
- Beautiful nature. Who doesn’t like to live in a place that has the best of nature!
Well, a few of the Qualities above would need further break-up and clarity.
Like the very first one – “World-class Education”. It means the best of infrastructure, research facilities, technology, faculty, practical applications or hands-on experience, cross-disciplinary studies, development of soft skills (High order Thinking Skills – HoTS), physical education etc.
Like the “friendly government & society” quality. The foreign student must feel welcome, wanted, regarded and cared for.
Like “Language”. English is everywhere in Canada.
You mentioned Canada. Are you suggesting that Canada satisfies all of the above requirements? Does it have all these qualities?
From the mandatory qualities to the desirable qualities identified above, Canada shows consistent interest & commitment to satisfy each one of them. Recently, Canada’s International Education Strategy announced its decision to double the number of full-time international students to 450,000 by 2022. The Canadian Council of Ministers of Education plans to attract more international students through a number of strategies that includes enhanced employment & immigration programs.
It’s also worth mentioning that Canada is ranked 4th in the world for scientific research. Canadian universities offer more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. There are more than 100 universities, 200 colleges & renowned institutes in Canada.
To know more about Canada’s Study-Abroad programs, offers and facilities from their Govt’s official website, click here. You can go directly to their “Why Canada” page as well.
Good! But what about the climate over there? The winter season in Canada can be rather harsh, right?
It can be, if you refuse to take guard, or ignore the precautionary measures that’s recommended by the local healthcare authority.
On another note, the winter season opens up amazing adventure sports like Skiing, Ice-skating etc that can be so endearing to the young & vibrant Student community! International Students can have such wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience during the winter season!
Click here to know why Canada is the hottest destination for Winter Sports.
There may exist other countries that offer better options / facilities for a selected few of the qualities that we have identified here. But, as a country that satisfies all of them to a high degree of competence, Canada stands tall in the arena of international education.

Study Abroad in Canada